
Thursday, May 1, 2008

How much time to you have to give?

I had one of those days yesterday. You know, one of those days where you feel like you could be doing so much more. Not that you don't work hard at what you do or that your job is holding you back, but that you should be accomplishing more with your time here on earth.

Yesterday was one of those days.

I work at a church and churches are about saving souls. That's what we do, or should do. My job is a behind-the-scenes kind of role, which doesn't bother me a bit. But it means that at times I feel like I'm not actively doing my part to fulfill the Great Commission.

I was reading a publication produced by my church's fellowship. It gave a report of how we (meaning all the large churches in our fellowship) were doing. You know, the ratio of baptisms for every 100 members, rate of attendance increase, that sort of stuff. My church is doing a good job, but others are doing better. I was encouraged and challenge at the same time.

"We have to step up our game," I thought. "I have to step up my game."

Then I watched an awkward little videocast on the web of Rick Warren talking to a meeting room full of people. That guy knows his stuff when it comes to what a church needs to be about. He was talking about how churches need to move people from "Come and see Jesus" to "Go and be Jesus." Warren said he wants to help bring about the second reformation of the Church. It will take 50 years he said. He figures he has 20 years left to give to that reformation. I was encouraged and challenge at the same time.

"We have to step up our game," I thought. "I have to step up my game."

So I'm a bit fired up and contemplating what I can do in my role at my church to move the needle on those numbers and to help move people towards "being Jesus."

I have 50 years left to give.

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Someone Famous Once Said...

"If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated,
let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does
in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right."

-- Bill Cosby