
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

2008 Elections P & F: Day 4

Dear God,

After months and months of campaigning election day is finally here. Millions of dollars have been spent and countless speeches have been delivered. We've heard every candidates take in every election. Now it's up to us to decide our countries future. Help us to choose wisely.

Father, I pray for calm weather across the country so every voter is able to safely get out and vote. I pray for short lines so no one is turned away at the end of the day. I pray that supporters from all parties follow the law and respect voters from other parties. I pray that in the end the election results will come quickly and be indisputable.

God, you know our hearts. All we ask for in this final day is the best for our country. You know the outcome and you know what befalls our country. My prayer is that we elect John McCain. Though I will continue to lean on you and I admittedly haven't always done that as I should, I am fearful of the prospects of an Obama presidency. I am fearful that we would elect someone with such a sketchy past, with such out-of-touch views and proposals, with such radically unAmerican friends. It truly would be a new day in American history--one I'd rather not have to live through.

So again, we give it all up to you. You are our strength and our sole source of hope. You have instilled in us the wisdom to look for your Son's return and not the coming of some transformative political figure. Thank you for hearing our prayers.

God, give me strength in these final hours of fasting.

In Jesus Name, Amen

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Someone Famous Once Said...

"If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated,
let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does
in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right."

-- Bill Cosby