
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Chip off the Old Block

The story begins with the creation of the world and of man. We've all read it a million times. So let's try to take it slow to see if there's something we missed that has implications for fathers.

Genesis 1
God makes man in his image and finally finds his handwork, not just good, but now very good (v 31). God took joy in his children–Adam and Eve. They were created to look like him.

My son looks like me (although he is looking more like his mother every day). He has since the second he entered this world and everyone reminds us of that. I find myself looking at him at times and seeing myself, innocent and oblivious. It's a feeling only a father knows. But it's easy to miss those moments. We can so easily become preoccupied with our work, our hobbies even, that we rob ourselves of the joy our kids bring.

Genesis 2
God had a purpose for man and that was to work and tend to his creation (v 15). Earlier God ordered man to "be fruitful and multiply" and to "have dominion over" all the created things (Gen 1:28). The multiplying is the fun part, the having dominion bit takes some sweat. Are we instilling in our children, even from a young age, the value of hard work?

I have a 3-year-old son. He has his own room. We've given him toys and books and clothes. In a sense he has dominion over those things. He is the caretaker for the things we have placed in his room. It is his job to keep it clean and to care for his toys, otherwise Mom and Dad will find a more appreciative child to give his toys to. It's happened before.

Tell me...
What do you do to appreciate your kids and take joy in them?
How do you teach your children the value of hard work?

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Someone Famous Once Said...

"If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated,
let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does
in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right."

-- Bill Cosby