Dear God,
I woke up today with a strange feeling. I felt disappointed in America, but reassured by my Creator. While the outcome of yesterday's election was not what I was hoping and praying for, I know that ultimately it was in your plan.
My head is somewhat fearful of what Barack Obama will do as president and where he will lead this country, but my heart is content, knowing that you are a big God. As my wife was so quick to put out, Paul told us in Romans 13, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment."
So today my prayer is for Barack Obama, that you will guide him as he leads this country. Qualifications, policies and speeches aside, he will be my president. So help me to remember him in prayer.
Thank you, Father, for the democractic process. I pray that we as citizens remained engaged and informed, holding the government responsible for the actions it takes and decisions it makes.
Keep our country safe in the next year. It is my belief and fear that we will be targeted, as we have been in the first year of past president's terms. Protect me and my family. I want only to fear you, God, not man.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
2008 Elections P & F: Day 4
Dear God,
After months and months of campaigning election day is finally here. Millions of dollars have been spent and countless speeches have been delivered. We've heard every candidates take in every election. Now it's up to us to decide our countries future. Help us to choose wisely.
Father, I pray for calm weather across the country so every voter is able to safely get out and vote. I pray for short lines so no one is turned away at the end of the day. I pray that supporters from all parties follow the law and respect voters from other parties. I pray that in the end the election results will come quickly and be indisputable.
God, you know our hearts. All we ask for in this final day is the best for our country. You know the outcome and you know what befalls our country. My prayer is that we elect John McCain. Though I will continue to lean on you and I admittedly haven't always done that as I should, I am fearful of the prospects of an Obama presidency. I am fearful that we would elect someone with such a sketchy past, with such out-of-touch views and proposals, with such radically unAmerican friends. It truly would be a new day in American history--one I'd rather not have to live through.
So again, we give it all up to you. You are our strength and our sole source of hope. You have instilled in us the wisdom to look for your Son's return and not the coming of some transformative political figure. Thank you for hearing our prayers.
God, give me strength in these final hours of fasting.
In Jesus Name, Amen
After months and months of campaigning election day is finally here. Millions of dollars have been spent and countless speeches have been delivered. We've heard every candidates take in every election. Now it's up to us to decide our countries future. Help us to choose wisely.
Father, I pray for calm weather across the country so every voter is able to safely get out and vote. I pray for short lines so no one is turned away at the end of the day. I pray that supporters from all parties follow the law and respect voters from other parties. I pray that in the end the election results will come quickly and be indisputable.
God, you know our hearts. All we ask for in this final day is the best for our country. You know the outcome and you know what befalls our country. My prayer is that we elect John McCain. Though I will continue to lean on you and I admittedly haven't always done that as I should, I am fearful of the prospects of an Obama presidency. I am fearful that we would elect someone with such a sketchy past, with such out-of-touch views and proposals, with such radically unAmerican friends. It truly would be a new day in American history--one I'd rather not have to live through.
So again, we give it all up to you. You are our strength and our sole source of hope. You have instilled in us the wisdom to look for your Son's return and not the coming of some transformative political figure. Thank you for hearing our prayers.
God, give me strength in these final hours of fasting.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Monday, November 3, 2008
2008 Elections P & F: Day 3
Dear God,
Give me patience as I anticipate Election Night. I know that you are in control, but I want to know our country's future.
God, thank you for the circle of friends and family who have joined me in these days of prayer and fasting. What was a simple suggestion in an e-mail to my brother has become a crowd of Christians lifting our country up in prayer. That surely was not me, that was you. Continue to encourage us to pray and finish strong.
Father, give safety to those campaigning, hopping from one stop to another. Protect those working the polls as the potential for record numbers of voters is great. Keep our cities safe as election results come in.
Though the campaigns have been negative, God, I pray that the candidates are able to put their differences aside work together to bring about the most good for America and her allies. Grant the candidates patience that only you can give.
God, help us now as we live with a volatile economy, with prices soaring and confidence waning, that we are wise with the resources you've given us. Direct our governing officials as they attempt to correct the course while staying true to America's foundation as a free market.
God, in all things we thank you for the breath of life you gave us and for the chance to be called your children.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Give me patience as I anticipate Election Night. I know that you are in control, but I want to know our country's future.
God, thank you for the circle of friends and family who have joined me in these days of prayer and fasting. What was a simple suggestion in an e-mail to my brother has become a crowd of Christians lifting our country up in prayer. That surely was not me, that was you. Continue to encourage us to pray and finish strong.
Father, give safety to those campaigning, hopping from one stop to another. Protect those working the polls as the potential for record numbers of voters is great. Keep our cities safe as election results come in.
Though the campaigns have been negative, God, I pray that the candidates are able to put their differences aside work together to bring about the most good for America and her allies. Grant the candidates patience that only you can give.
God, help us now as we live with a volatile economy, with prices soaring and confidence waning, that we are wise with the resources you've given us. Direct our governing officials as they attempt to correct the course while staying true to America's foundation as a free market.
God, in all things we thank you for the breath of life you gave us and for the chance to be called your children.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Sunday, November 2, 2008
2008 Elections P & F: Day 2
Dear God,
Give us strength as we enter the second day of our fast. Help us to always remember to pray, putting you and our country first in these final days before the election.
God, I pray for those citizens who may be approaching this election with apathy. I pray that you will instill in them a desire to act, to do their part by voting. I pray also that they not only vote, but that they consider the stakes, do their research, and vote for God-fearing city council representatives, congressmen and women, senators, judges, and most of all a God-honoring president.
While some may say it's over dramatic to state this, but we know that lives are at stake. The lives of countless unborn children depend on our vote, the lives of our soldiers fighting on foreign soil depend on our vote, the lives of our allied citizens depend on our vote.
Again, we put this election in your hands, knowing that ultimately you are in control and that someday we will all answer to you.
God, I pray for the days between November 4 and January 20, that our newly elected president will choose his cabinet and advisers wisely, that he will seek your council and the council of other honorable men and women. We know that the president alone does not and cannot have all the answers, so we pray for those who will serve along side of him, that they would work hard to ensure that America's best interests are served.
I pray for unity in this country. We acknowledge that, while we have come along way in recognizing that minorities and women can and should contribute as leaders of our country, we still have a long way to go. Candidates on both sides of the spectrum have proven to be divisive individuals for their race or gender. Some citizens can't look beyond Obama's race, while others criticize Gov. Palin for being a working mother. I pray that whoever wins America continues to grow in this area.
God, forgive us for not relying on you as we should. Forgive our arrogance as we try to do it all ourselves. Forgive us for not seeking your direction first. If this election and the next four years serve as a way to bring us back to you, as our desert wandering to remind us who is in control, then so be it. But know that Godly men and women are seeking your face and we are not willing to give up on the people of this country.
God, you are too big and too great for our comprehension. We thank you for considering us and hearing our prayers.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Give us strength as we enter the second day of our fast. Help us to always remember to pray, putting you and our country first in these final days before the election.
God, I pray for those citizens who may be approaching this election with apathy. I pray that you will instill in them a desire to act, to do their part by voting. I pray also that they not only vote, but that they consider the stakes, do their research, and vote for God-fearing city council representatives, congressmen and women, senators, judges, and most of all a God-honoring president.
While some may say it's over dramatic to state this, but we know that lives are at stake. The lives of countless unborn children depend on our vote, the lives of our soldiers fighting on foreign soil depend on our vote, the lives of our allied citizens depend on our vote.
Again, we put this election in your hands, knowing that ultimately you are in control and that someday we will all answer to you.
God, I pray for the days between November 4 and January 20, that our newly elected president will choose his cabinet and advisers wisely, that he will seek your council and the council of other honorable men and women. We know that the president alone does not and cannot have all the answers, so we pray for those who will serve along side of him, that they would work hard to ensure that America's best interests are served.
I pray for unity in this country. We acknowledge that, while we have come along way in recognizing that minorities and women can and should contribute as leaders of our country, we still have a long way to go. Candidates on both sides of the spectrum have proven to be divisive individuals for their race or gender. Some citizens can't look beyond Obama's race, while others criticize Gov. Palin for being a working mother. I pray that whoever wins America continues to grow in this area.
God, forgive us for not relying on you as we should. Forgive our arrogance as we try to do it all ourselves. Forgive us for not seeking your direction first. If this election and the next four years serve as a way to bring us back to you, as our desert wandering to remind us who is in control, then so be it. But know that Godly men and women are seeking your face and we are not willing to give up on the people of this country.
God, you are too big and too great for our comprehension. We thank you for considering us and hearing our prayers.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Saturday, November 1, 2008
2008 Elections P & F: Day 1
Dear God,
Thank you for the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Thank you for those who came before us who fought for the right to worship God in whatever manner we choose.
Today my prayer is that your will be done in this year's elections. We acknowledge that you know what is best for your children and that often our will for us is not the same. Please help us to always remember that you are in control in working everything out for our good.
God, I pray that this nation will seek your will before going to the polls. I pray that this nation understands the importance of this years election unlike any election in the past. Guide us as we choose our leaders. I pray also that those leaders will seek out your will for them, understanding that they have no power outside of the authority you have given them.
I pray God that as people are already voting and continue to vote through Nov 4 that the process goes smoothly and that no party, organization or person attempts to tamper with the results. Our country cannot afford a disputed election. I pray that you will grant safety and wisdom to all the election officials.
God, grant strength to those fasting during this time and hear our prayers even when we don't know what to pray.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank you for the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Thank you for those who came before us who fought for the right to worship God in whatever manner we choose.
Today my prayer is that your will be done in this year's elections. We acknowledge that you know what is best for your children and that often our will for us is not the same. Please help us to always remember that you are in control in working everything out for our good.
God, I pray that this nation will seek your will before going to the polls. I pray that this nation understands the importance of this years election unlike any election in the past. Guide us as we choose our leaders. I pray also that those leaders will seek out your will for them, understanding that they have no power outside of the authority you have given them.
I pray God that as people are already voting and continue to vote through Nov 4 that the process goes smoothly and that no party, organization or person attempts to tamper with the results. Our country cannot afford a disputed election. I pray that you will grant safety and wisdom to all the election officials.
God, grant strength to those fasting during this time and hear our prayers even when we don't know what to pray.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Prayer and Fasting for the Elections
I am going to devote the final four days of this campaign season to prayer and fasting. Beginning Saturday, November 1, and continuing through Election Night I am committing to lifting this nation and our leaders in prayer. For those of you who know me well, you know that prayer is not my strength and that I never pass up a meal, so this may be difficult, but again considering what is at stake it is a small sacrifice.
Here is what I'm praying for:
Here is what I'm praying for:
- That the next president will seek the will of God and humble himself to it.
- That voters will turn out in force to support their chosen candidate. Our input, through voting, is the bedrock of democracy.
- That the voting process goes smoothly and is in the end credible.
- That America will recognize and respect our new chosen leader.
- That parties not pleased with the results of the elections will communicate their disappointment civilly.
- That those newly elected to office, whether to city, county, state, or national positions, would use their influence to act responsibly and in the best interest of their constituents.
- That God's will be done.
- Strength for those participating in this fast.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Football, my old friend
It's been a long, long summer. The Braves have been out of the playoff hunt for some time now and I quickly found myself looking forward to football season.
I don't think there is anything more uniquely American than our love of football. For many it consumes our entire weekend--high school on Friday nights, college on Saturdays (or Fridays, or Thursdasy, and sometimes even Wednesdays) and NFL on Sundays and Monday nights. I love just chillin' at home on Sundays watching whatever game is on and watching my fantasy teams rack up the points. I might be inspired enough to do a load of laundry or clean up the kitchen with one eye on the game, but whatever the circumstance football is on my mind. I find myself looking forward to it on Fridays at work, or on Saturday mornings while doing a chore or two.
I'm not sure why it is we love football so much. Maybe is the spectacle of the game. The physical demand on the players is so great that they can only play once a week, so the build up is half the fun. Maybe it's the strategy. Coaches spend countless hours studying their opponents, developing game plans, drawing up plays and meeting with their players. Maybe it's the athleticism. Players spend countless hours studying playbooks, practicing plays, lifting weights, conditioning their bodies, selling their endorsed products... oh, wait, that's got nothing to do with football. Maybe it's the pagentry. Grand stadiums are built, fans adorn their bodies with their teams colors, parking lots are packed with tailgaters, fireworks and giant helmets welcome players onto the field.
I don't know what excitely attracts us to this game. I suppose it's different for everyone. I for one love to watch a well excecuted gameplan by my favorite team, or gasp as the quarterback the sends a bomb down the field. Whatever it is, I'm ready for some football.
I don't think there is anything more uniquely American than our love of football. For many it consumes our entire weekend--high school on Friday nights, college on Saturdays (or Fridays, or Thursdasy, and sometimes even Wednesdays) and NFL on Sundays and Monday nights. I love just chillin' at home on Sundays watching whatever game is on and watching my fantasy teams rack up the points. I might be inspired enough to do a load of laundry or clean up the kitchen with one eye on the game, but whatever the circumstance football is on my mind. I find myself looking forward to it on Fridays at work, or on Saturday mornings while doing a chore or two.
I'm not sure why it is we love football so much. Maybe is the spectacle of the game. The physical demand on the players is so great that they can only play once a week, so the build up is half the fun. Maybe it's the strategy. Coaches spend countless hours studying their opponents, developing game plans, drawing up plays and meeting with their players. Maybe it's the athleticism. Players spend countless hours studying playbooks, practicing plays, lifting weights, conditioning their bodies, selling their endorsed products... oh, wait, that's got nothing to do with football. Maybe it's the pagentry. Grand stadiums are built, fans adorn their bodies with their teams colors, parking lots are packed with tailgaters, fireworks and giant helmets welcome players onto the field.
I don't know what excitely attracts us to this game. I suppose it's different for everyone. I for one love to watch a well excecuted gameplan by my favorite team, or gasp as the quarterback the sends a bomb down the field. Whatever it is, I'm ready for some football.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
My Bucket List
My wife and I recently rented the movie The Bucket List. It's worth a watch if you haven't seen it yet. Pretty simple plot: two guys meet in a hospital, both are only given a few months to live, so they try to accomplish a few things together in their final days.
It gets you thinking about your life and what you want to accomplish before God calls you home. So here is my bucket list. I'm sure it will see several revisions in the years to come, but here's the first draft.
My Bucket List
In no particular order
What's on your bucket list?
It gets you thinking about your life and what you want to accomplish before God calls you home. So here is my bucket list. I'm sure it will see several revisions in the years to come, but here's the first draft.
My Bucket List
In no particular order
- Baptize my son.
- Take my wife on a vacation around Europe.
- Take my wife to New York City. See a show, stroll through Central Park, etc.
- See the Grand Canyon (from the ground, I've seen it from an airplane).
- See the Giant Sequoias.
- Go deep sea fishing.
- Buy a home for my family.
- Drive across the country in an RV with my family.
- Teach my son one thing he will never forget.
- Buy my grand kids an ice cream cone.
- See the Cubs play at Wrigley Field.
- See the Braves play at Turner Field.
- See the Broncos play at Mile High.
- Do something totally unexpected for someone I love.
- Build something that will outlive me.
- ...
What's on your bucket list?
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Worthless Sporting News of the Day
The NBA Draft -- I probably should care because a Kansas State Wildcat was selected as the No. 2 overall pick, but even as an alumni of that fine institute of academic and athletic dominance (don't snicker) I just really don't care. Plus, he would have never played college ball if not for the NBA's ridiculous rules.
The NBA to me is hardly more than a showcase of filthy-rich athletes playing a style of basketball slightly more organized than a driveway pick up game. The difference between college and professional basketball is unmatched by any other sport. I speak mostly out of ignorance of the finer points of the game, but I've heard the same sentiment from many other sports fans and commentators, so I'm sticking with it.
The NBA to me is hardly more than a showcase of filthy-rich athletes playing a style of basketball slightly more organized than a driveway pick up game. The difference between college and professional basketball is unmatched by any other sport. I speak mostly out of ignorance of the finer points of the game, but I've heard the same sentiment from many other sports fans and commentators, so I'm sticking with it.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Share a Smile
I'm continually amazed at my son's ability to elicit a smile from even the most random of strangers. A couple weeks ago I took him for a walk around our neighborhood in his stroller. We came across an older couple (retirement age) who were absolutely smitten with my son. They caught sight of him and stopped to say hello. My son immediately gave them his patented toothless smile. They both chuckled and smiled back.
At any store it's the same story. We'll go through checkout line and the clerk will take a moment to say hello. My son will grin wide enough for them to see through his ever present pacifier. Often the clerk will say something like "What a cute baby," or "He's so happy." Today in the airport he exchanged smiles with a lady for several minutes while we waited to get his stroller tagged. She was standing 20 feet away, but that didn't stop him from engaging with her.
It makes my wife and I feel good that our baby can bring joy into people's lives. There is something about the innocence of a child that attracts people and breaks down barriers. Sometimes so much so that people even touch your baby without an invitation. But it doesn't bother you because they are just enjoying a pleasant moment with another human being.
I'm confident that we as adults still have the same ability to break down barriers with a simple smile, but we are all too jaded to let our guards down enough to allow someone else to elicit any kind of emotional response. It's sad really. Sure we trade a passing smile from time to time, but when do we ever take genuine interest in the life of a total stranger. I'm not talking about making funny noises and tickling each other's feet like you would to a baby. I'm just talking about some good, old fashioned Mayberry kindness. It's a shame what we've become...
But I can't leave you on that note. Instead, watch this video clip. I'm sure you've seen it before, but it never gets old. Enjoy and remember to share a smile with someone today.
At any store it's the same story. We'll go through checkout line and the clerk will take a moment to say hello. My son will grin wide enough for them to see through his ever present pacifier. Often the clerk will say something like "What a cute baby," or "He's so happy." Today in the airport he exchanged smiles with a lady for several minutes while we waited to get his stroller tagged. She was standing 20 feet away, but that didn't stop him from engaging with her.
It makes my wife and I feel good that our baby can bring joy into people's lives. There is something about the innocence of a child that attracts people and breaks down barriers. Sometimes so much so that people even touch your baby without an invitation. But it doesn't bother you because they are just enjoying a pleasant moment with another human being.
I'm confident that we as adults still have the same ability to break down barriers with a simple smile, but we are all too jaded to let our guards down enough to allow someone else to elicit any kind of emotional response. It's sad really. Sure we trade a passing smile from time to time, but when do we ever take genuine interest in the life of a total stranger. I'm not talking about making funny noises and tickling each other's feet like you would to a baby. I'm just talking about some good, old fashioned Mayberry kindness. It's a shame what we've become...
But I can't leave you on that note. Instead, watch this video clip. I'm sure you've seen it before, but it never gets old. Enjoy and remember to share a smile with someone today.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day: Part I - The Adventure Begins
Act I
Scene 1 - We find our hero lazily sleeping in bed. His wife is feeding their child breakfast and sprucing up the house a bit. Our hero, Kevin, wakes up with thoughts of how much he has looked forward to this day. More so than even his own birthday. Thoughts of spending the day with his family, his two favorite people, run through his head.
Scene 2 - Kevin and his family eat breakfast and get ready for church.
Scene 3 - The family goes to church. Childcare is full so they take their son into service with them.
Scene 4 - The congregation sings "It Is Well." Kevin finds the song fitting since he is familiar with the story behind the hymn. The preaches deliver the message in the style of SportsCenter/PTI while his son grows restless.
Scene 5 - The family heads home before the end of service resigned to catch the message on the internet at a later time.
Act II
Scene 1 - Kevin opens his Father's Day gifts. He already knows what they are, but is excited nonetheless. He fells a bit like a kid in that way.
Scene 2 - It's nap time for everyone and the boy is pretty fussy. His wife puts him in bed between both of them figuring that will help put the boy at ease. Our hero quietly watches as his family naps peacefully beside him. He thinks to himself, there isn't much he rather be watching more.
Scene 1 - The family heads to Target to pick out a kiddie pool. Kevin wanted to get the boy out for a little splash time.
Scene 2 - They all head to WW Cousins for greasy hamburgers and onion rings. It's dad's day after all.
Act IV
Scene 1 - Kevin prepares the kiddie pool while his wife makes a few plans for their impending trip to California.
Scene 2 - The water in the pool was a bit too cool for his son so in order to comfort him, Kevin had to cram his man-sized frame into a three-and-a-half-feet wide pool. He thinks to himself, there is no where else he'd rather be.
Act V
Scene 1 - The day winds down on the couch as our hero watches the drama of the US Open play out on television. He thinks to himself, what a great day.
The End
Scene 1 - We find our hero lazily sleeping in bed. His wife is feeding their child breakfast and sprucing up the house a bit. Our hero, Kevin, wakes up with thoughts of how much he has looked forward to this day. More so than even his own birthday. Thoughts of spending the day with his family, his two favorite people, run through his head.
Scene 2 - Kevin and his family eat breakfast and get ready for church.
Scene 3 - The family goes to church. Childcare is full so they take their son into service with them.
Scene 4 - The congregation sings "It Is Well." Kevin finds the song fitting since he is familiar with the story behind the hymn. The preaches deliver the message in the style of SportsCenter/PTI while his son grows restless.
Scene 5 - The family heads home before the end of service resigned to catch the message on the internet at a later time.
Act II
Scene 1 - Kevin opens his Father's Day gifts. He already knows what they are, but is excited nonetheless. He fells a bit like a kid in that way.
Scene 2 - It's nap time for everyone and the boy is pretty fussy. His wife puts him in bed between both of them figuring that will help put the boy at ease. Our hero quietly watches as his family naps peacefully beside him. He thinks to himself, there isn't much he rather be watching more.
Scene 1 - The family heads to Target to pick out a kiddie pool. Kevin wanted to get the boy out for a little splash time.
Scene 2 - They all head to WW Cousins for greasy hamburgers and onion rings. It's dad's day after all.
Act IV
Scene 1 - Kevin prepares the kiddie pool while his wife makes a few plans for their impending trip to California.
Scene 2 - The water in the pool was a bit too cool for his son so in order to comfort him, Kevin had to cram his man-sized frame into a three-and-a-half-feet wide pool. He thinks to himself, there is no where else he'd rather be.
Act V
Scene 1 - The day winds down on the couch as our hero watches the drama of the US Open play out on television. He thinks to himself, what a great day.
The End
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Utter Disappointment

My wife and I are big M. Night Shyamalan fans. Sure everyone liked The Sixth Sense, but not many were fond of Lady in the Water. We like 'em all. Signs is in my top three movies of all time. So you can imagine our excitement leading up to The Happening.
Not at all what we were expecting to say the least. I guess because there are things we have come to expect of Shyamalan's movies. We love the plot twists and the how his characters struggle with faith and their purpose in life. The Happening didn't have either of these elements. It was a dark, disturbing, somewhat predictable, creepy movie.
I don't fault they guy for wanting to make something different. It's obvious he's not trying to make the same movie over and over and I can appreciate that, but give me something to work with. The real disappointment is that Night's next movie will be a live-action adaptation of a children's TV show on Nickelodeon. Come on, seriously? That said, I'll probably become the biggest Avatar: The Last Airbender fan over the age of 11.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Who are these people?
There is something about hanging out with family that I find comforting. Something I think we all find comforting. Even when it's family that you don't know or aren't directly related to.
This past weekend my wife and I headed up to the Chicago area to see some of her family. (Of course, they are now my family through marriage, but to keep the connections straight I'll refer to them as 'her family.') We arrived at her grandmother's house late Friday night. Her aunt and uncle were there as well. They were staying with my wife's grandma for the week. This is only the third time I have seen my wife's grandmother. We visited her once when we were engaged and then she came to the wedding. Even though I could easily classify her as an acquaintance, it was comforting being in her home, sleeping on her pull-out couch, eating at her kitchen table.
I spent an hour or so visiting with my wife's uncle while the girl's were at the store. He is even more of a stranger to me, having only met him briefly after our wedding. But I felt so relaxed just chatting with him for that short little while. I didn't recognize some of the names in the conversation, but that didn't really matter much to me. We were talking about family.
It's funny how we humans seem to feel the need to classify our relationships. We have our friends, acquaintances, close friends, work friends, old friends from school, neighbors, family, immediate family, distant relatives, and the list goes on. But for me, the moniker of 'family' is enough to make me feel right at home, no matter how far back our history goes.
This past weekend my wife and I headed up to the Chicago area to see some of her family. (Of course, they are now my family through marriage, but to keep the connections straight I'll refer to them as 'her family.') We arrived at her grandmother's house late Friday night. Her aunt and uncle were there as well. They were staying with my wife's grandma for the week. This is only the third time I have seen my wife's grandmother. We visited her once when we were engaged and then she came to the wedding. Even though I could easily classify her as an acquaintance, it was comforting being in her home, sleeping on her pull-out couch, eating at her kitchen table.
I spent an hour or so visiting with my wife's uncle while the girl's were at the store. He is even more of a stranger to me, having only met him briefly after our wedding. But I felt so relaxed just chatting with him for that short little while. I didn't recognize some of the names in the conversation, but that didn't really matter much to me. We were talking about family.
It's funny how we humans seem to feel the need to classify our relationships. We have our friends, acquaintances, close friends, work friends, old friends from school, neighbors, family, immediate family, distant relatives, and the list goes on. But for me, the moniker of 'family' is enough to make me feel right at home, no matter how far back our history goes.
Friday, May 16, 2008
More of a man than most...
... and more of a man than me.
It's not often that one will find inspiration on American Gladiators, but tonight was just one of those occasions. Season Two of the all-new American Gladiators premiered Monday night. I happened to catch the rerun tonight and I'm glad I did.

John Siciliano is an Olympic gold medalist, an American Gladiator contender and an amputee. That's right, he has one leg. The other was amputated five inches above the knee. John went against an "able-bodied" contender and hung tough through three competitions. But watching him compete in the Eliminator, Gladiators end-of-show obstacle course, was one of the most amazing displays of athletic determination I've ever seen.
Click this link to watch the full-length show. John doesn't show up until the second half, so skip ahead.
To put it simply, the Eliminator is not design for someone wearing a prosthetic leg, but that didn't seem to slow John Siciliano. It begins with about a 15-yard, underwater swim. John handled that with ease. But the swim ends when you get to 10-foot tall cargo net. That was all John's competition needed to separate him from his amputee opponent, but that didn't seem to slow John Siciliano. You see, several times John had to stop, grab his prosthetic and pull it free before continuing. Next came the tight rope, which is two ropes suspended across a span, one above the other. Since his prosthetic foot is not designed to grip, John has to hang on to the top rope for dear life while slowly shuffling his feet. But that didn't seem to slow John Siciliano. He handled the hand bike as well as any others. His trip down the rolling barrel ended with a crash but he jumped right up and bounded up the pyramid. After taking the zip line down he had to figure out how to handle the teeter totter. He chose to crawl across it. While the other contenders run across the teeter totter, John's only option was to tackle in a manner you would expect from a four year old, but that didn't seem to slow John Siciliano. Finally, he came to the the Travelator, a treadmill style ramp. It eats most contenders for lunch, requiring sometimes five attempts. John handled it in three. Nothing could slow down John Siciliano.
My words don't do it justice. You have to see it for yourself.

It's human nature to take the easy road. John could have decided 15 years ago, after losing his leg, that he would not compete in an athletic competition again. That would have been the easy choice and no one would have blamed him for making it. But he didn't and he went on to win a gold medal in the Para-Olympics.
John Siciliano, I don't hold a candle to your determination.
It's not often that one will find inspiration on American Gladiators, but tonight was just one of those occasions. Season Two of the all-new American Gladiators premiered Monday night. I happened to catch the rerun tonight and I'm glad I did.

John Siciliano is an Olympic gold medalist, an American Gladiator contender and an amputee. That's right, he has one leg. The other was amputated five inches above the knee. John went against an "able-bodied" contender and hung tough through three competitions. But watching him compete in the Eliminator, Gladiators end-of-show obstacle course, was one of the most amazing displays of athletic determination I've ever seen.
Click this link to watch the full-length show. John doesn't show up until the second half, so skip ahead.
To put it simply, the Eliminator is not design for someone wearing a prosthetic leg, but that didn't seem to slow John Siciliano. It begins with about a 15-yard, underwater swim. John handled that with ease. But the swim ends when you get to 10-foot tall cargo net. That was all John's competition needed to separate him from his amputee opponent, but that didn't seem to slow John Siciliano. You see, several times John had to stop, grab his prosthetic and pull it free before continuing. Next came the tight rope, which is two ropes suspended across a span, one above the other. Since his prosthetic foot is not designed to grip, John has to hang on to the top rope for dear life while slowly shuffling his feet. But that didn't seem to slow John Siciliano. He handled the hand bike as well as any others. His trip down the rolling barrel ended with a crash but he jumped right up and bounded up the pyramid. After taking the zip line down he had to figure out how to handle the teeter totter. He chose to crawl across it. While the other contenders run across the teeter totter, John's only option was to tackle in a manner you would expect from a four year old, but that didn't seem to slow John Siciliano. Finally, he came to the the Travelator, a treadmill style ramp. It eats most contenders for lunch, requiring sometimes five attempts. John handled it in three. Nothing could slow down John Siciliano.
My words don't do it justice. You have to see it for yourself.

It's human nature to take the easy road. John could have decided 15 years ago, after losing his leg, that he would not compete in an athletic competition again. That would have been the easy choice and no one would have blamed him for making it. But he didn't and he went on to win a gold medal in the Para-Olympics.
John Siciliano, I don't hold a candle to your determination.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
86 days to go...
To quote a not-so-famous athlete, "I am feeling very Olympic today."
(Bonus points to anyone who can name the movie and character.)
I had a random thought today about the Olympics. The Bejing summer games are 86 days away, which means...
It now time for everyone to pick the obscure sport you are going to follow, rain or shine, for 17 or so days late this summer. Now, don't get too worked up and anxious about it, you do have 86 days to decide, but the excitement is palpable. Isn't it?
Think about. Individuals, across the global, dedicate their entire lives to competing in sports that most of us consider backyard, once-or-twice-a-summer, activities. Take badminton for example. Grown men and women stand across from each other on a court, divided by a flimsy net, holding a three ounce "racket" in one hand and a "shuttle cock" in the other, posed and ready to send said shuttle cock hurling through the air at unimaginable speeds. By "unimaginable" I mean a somewhere between 8 mph and the rate at which a hippopotamus evades... well anything.
But you will watch.
Ninety-eight pound Chinese men will amaze you with their table tennis prowess. Three hundred, ninety-eight pound Germans will shock you with their inhuman strength as they lift weights the rest of the world has determined was better suited for fork lifts and other heavy machinery. And the US will laugh as other countries dare to challenge us to a game of basketball. At least, that's how it used to be.
But you will watch.
You'll watch because some of this stuff you won't see for another four years. That is unless you challenge your neighbors to an archery duel. By duel, I don't mean the walk ten paces, turn, and shoot variety. I think they use targets these days.
So the clock is ticking and before you know it the summer games will have come and gone. So you've been warned. Don't miss 'em. If you need me, I'll be memorizing the names of the Latvian taekwondo team members.
(Bonus points to anyone who can name the movie and character.)
I had a random thought today about the Olympics. The Bejing summer games are 86 days away, which means...
It now time for everyone to pick the obscure sport you are going to follow, rain or shine, for 17 or so days late this summer. Now, don't get too worked up and anxious about it, you do have 86 days to decide, but the excitement is palpable. Isn't it?
Think about. Individuals, across the global, dedicate their entire lives to competing in sports that most of us consider backyard, once-or-twice-a-summer, activities. Take badminton for example. Grown men and women stand across from each other on a court, divided by a flimsy net, holding a three ounce "racket" in one hand and a "shuttle cock" in the other, posed and ready to send said shuttle cock hurling through the air at unimaginable speeds. By "unimaginable" I mean a somewhere between 8 mph and the rate at which a hippopotamus evades... well anything.

Ninety-eight pound Chinese men will amaze you with their table tennis prowess. Three hundred, ninety-eight pound Germans will shock you with their inhuman strength as they lift weights the rest of the world has determined was better suited for fork lifts and other heavy machinery. And the US will laugh as other countries dare to challenge us to a game of basketball. At least, that's how it used to be.

You'll watch because some of this stuff you won't see for another four years. That is unless you challenge your neighbors to an archery duel. By duel, I don't mean the walk ten paces, turn, and shoot variety. I think they use targets these days.
So the clock is ticking and before you know it the summer games will have come and gone. So you've been warned. Don't miss 'em. If you need me, I'll be memorizing the names of the Latvian taekwondo team members.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
What are you so happy about?
My role as a dad most days includes dropping off and picking up my son from daycare. Somedays the the picking up part is the highlight of my day.
As another busy day at work comes to a close I begin to think about the evening's activities--what will we do for dinner, do I have time to mow the yard, is there a show on TV I want to watch, etc. But before all that nonsense I pack up my things, head to my car and drive to my son's daycare.
Usually when I get there he is sitting in a swing as his teachers are getting other kids ready to go home. Some days I don't announce my presence and just sort of sneak up on him. When he sees my face we make eye contact and he gives me a big, toothless smile. That is, unless he is trying to consume his right arm, starting with his fingers. Most days he's halfway through his palm by the time I get there.
But every so often he's just sitting there quietly, knowing I'll come through that door any minute to snatch him up and take him home to his mama. And when he sees me he gives me what I've been waiting for all day--that wide, handsome smile. It's a smile you can see through the biggest pacifier. You need only to see his eyes, to see the little curl at their corners, to know he is excited to see you.
I live for that smile. I love that smile.
As another busy day at work comes to a close I begin to think about the evening's activities--what will we do for dinner, do I have time to mow the yard, is there a show on TV I want to watch, etc. But before all that nonsense I pack up my things, head to my car and drive to my son's daycare.
Usually when I get there he is sitting in a swing as his teachers are getting other kids ready to go home. Some days I don't announce my presence and just sort of sneak up on him. When he sees my face we make eye contact and he gives me a big, toothless smile. That is, unless he is trying to consume his right arm, starting with his fingers. Most days he's halfway through his palm by the time I get there.
But every so often he's just sitting there quietly, knowing I'll come through that door any minute to snatch him up and take him home to his mama. And when he sees me he gives me what I've been waiting for all day--that wide, handsome smile. It's a smile you can see through the biggest pacifier. You need only to see his eyes, to see the little curl at their corners, to know he is excited to see you.
I live for that smile. I love that smile.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
How much time to you have to give?
I had one of those days yesterday. You know, one of those days where you feel like you could be doing so much more. Not that you don't work hard at what you do or that your job is holding you back, but that you should be accomplishing more with your time here on earth.
Yesterday was one of those days.
I work at a church and churches are about saving souls. That's what we do, or should do. My job is a behind-the-scenes kind of role, which doesn't bother me a bit. But it means that at times I feel like I'm not actively doing my part to fulfill the Great Commission.
I was reading a publication produced by my church's fellowship. It gave a report of how we (meaning all the large churches in our fellowship) were doing. You know, the ratio of baptisms for every 100 members, rate of attendance increase, that sort of stuff. My church is doing a good job, but others are doing better. I was encouraged and challenge at the same time.
"We have to step up our game," I thought. "I have to step up my game."
Then I watched an awkward little videocast on the web of Rick Warren talking to a meeting room full of people. That guy knows his stuff when it comes to what a church needs to be about. He was talking about how churches need to move people from "Come and see Jesus" to "Go and be Jesus." Warren said he wants to help bring about the second reformation of the Church. It will take 50 years he said. He figures he has 20 years left to give to that reformation. I was encouraged and challenge at the same time.
"We have to step up our game," I thought. "I have to step up my game."
So I'm a bit fired up and contemplating what I can do in my role at my church to move the needle on those numbers and to help move people towards "being Jesus."
I have 50 years left to give.
Yesterday was one of those days.
I work at a church and churches are about saving souls. That's what we do, or should do. My job is a behind-the-scenes kind of role, which doesn't bother me a bit. But it means that at times I feel like I'm not actively doing my part to fulfill the Great Commission.
I was reading a publication produced by my church's fellowship. It gave a report of how we (meaning all the large churches in our fellowship) were doing. You know, the ratio of baptisms for every 100 members, rate of attendance increase, that sort of stuff. My church is doing a good job, but others are doing better. I was encouraged and challenge at the same time.
"We have to step up our game," I thought. "I have to step up my game."
Then I watched an awkward little videocast on the web of Rick Warren talking to a meeting room full of people. That guy knows his stuff when it comes to what a church needs to be about. He was talking about how churches need to move people from "Come and see Jesus" to "Go and be Jesus." Warren said he wants to help bring about the second reformation of the Church. It will take 50 years he said. He figures he has 20 years left to give to that reformation. I was encouraged and challenge at the same time.
"We have to step up our game," I thought. "I have to step up my game."
So I'm a bit fired up and contemplating what I can do in my role at my church to move the needle on those numbers and to help move people towards "being Jesus."
I have 50 years left to give.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Super Bowl XLII.5
I crossed paths with a coworker this past week who apparently had the NFL Draft on his mind. He had one question for me. He wanted to know if I would watch both days of the NFL Draft. The question came out of nowhere, but in contemplating my reply I realized there are two types of people in this world--those people who watch the first day of the draft and those who watch the first and second day of the draft.
Notice my choice of words. I said people, not fan. There are two types of people.
So what type of person am I? Am I a first day only kinda guy or a first and second day guy? Does recording it on DVR count?
Notice my choice of words. I said people, not fan. There are two types of people.
- People who love Neil Diamond and people who don't.
- People who eat sushi and people who don't.
- People who shave their toes and people who don't.
- And people who watch the first and second day of the draft and people who just watch the first.
So what type of person am I? Am I a first day only kinda guy or a first and second day guy? Does recording it on DVR count?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Is it hot in here or...?
Watched my first episode (half episode actually) of American Idol in a long time. Just a few observations: Randy's still hearing "pitchy things", Paula's still giving everyone standing ovations and Simon still hasn't heard his "favorite performance." Guess I haven't missed much.
In other TV news, Hell's Kitchen has my wife and me drawn in for some unknown reason. We've watched every episode this season and have yet to see any of the potential executive chefs prepare anything to Chef Ramsey's liking. Why do we continue to tune it? Every other word out of Ramsey's mouth is bleeped and blurred. Do we enjoy watching failure? I know it's not for the culinary inspiration. I think I know why we watch. It's for the good, old fashioned, Englishman meltdowns. I think watching everything go so wrong for one man makes our lives look so very orderly and optimistic. Maybe we're cheering against Chef Ramsey. Who knows. See you next week in Hell's Kitchen.
In other TV news, Hell's Kitchen has my wife and me drawn in for some unknown reason. We've watched every episode this season and have yet to see any of the potential executive chefs prepare anything to Chef Ramsey's liking. Why do we continue to tune it? Every other word out of Ramsey's mouth is bleeped and blurred. Do we enjoy watching failure? I know it's not for the culinary inspiration. I think I know why we watch. It's for the good, old fashioned, Englishman meltdowns. I think watching everything go so wrong for one man makes our lives look so very orderly and optimistic. Maybe we're cheering against Chef Ramsey. Who knows. See you next week in Hell's Kitchen.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Is Everybody Okay?
Earthquakes rocked Louisville today!
At 5:37 a.m. an earthquake ripped through the Midwest leaving the area riddled with gaping chasms and crumbled structures. Homes were split in two, children were separated from their parents, beloved pets were separated from their chew toys. And no one saw it coming.
The quake registered 5.2 on the Richter Scale. 5.2! That's like twice as bad as a 2.6!
And I, being the protector of my family, guided them through the disaster by reassuring them of their safety. How did I do this, you ask? By remaining sound asleep through the whole ordeal.
My wife, the California native, woke up, realized we must have just had an earthquake, listened to see if Ethan was crying and quickly returned fast asleep. Thanks for your concern, honey.
At 5:37 a.m. an earthquake ripped through the Midwest leaving the area riddled with gaping chasms and crumbled structures. Homes were split in two, children were separated from their parents, beloved pets were separated from their chew toys. And no one saw it coming.
The quake registered 5.2 on the Richter Scale. 5.2! That's like twice as bad as a 2.6!
And I, being the protector of my family, guided them through the disaster by reassuring them of their safety. How did I do this, you ask? By remaining sound asleep through the whole ordeal.
My wife, the California native, woke up, realized we must have just had an earthquake, listened to see if Ethan was crying and quickly returned fast asleep. Thanks for your concern, honey.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Honey, have you seen my raincoat?
The boy blew chunks on me. Twice. Today.
He woke up last night after throwing up all over himself and his bed. So the wife and I gave him a quick bath and it was back to bed. This morning I got him up and fed him first thing as I always do. Eight ounces of Similac's finest. My wife was a bit troubled by some green stuff on his pajamas, but I dismissed it as snot. Sounded like a good explanation as I was burping my now fully loaded four-month-old.
"Oh, good one!"
There's nothing like a warm shower of half-digested formula to wake you up in the morning. The poor kid lost his breakfast all over his dad and the couch we were seated on.
After a quick consult with the doctor we decided he should stay home. "If he gets diarrhea you'll want to make sure he stays hydrated," she warned. Check.
So I stayed home with the boy to help him ride this thing out. We proceeded with his next feeding as planned. I noticed as we sat there that Ethan was expelling some rather loose waste from his hind parts. I thought to myself, "We might have a problem on our hands." Four ounces later...
He did it again. With his back to my belly he threw up everything he just consumed. I promptly cleaned him up and turned him around to have a look at his face. And wouldn't you know it... all smiles. The kid was has happy as could be. Probably 'cause he knew he wouldn't be the one who had to change his diaper.
It's amazing how quickly you become comfortable dealing with bodily fluids when you're a dad. I haven't worn the hazmat suit in months.
He woke up last night after throwing up all over himself and his bed. So the wife and I gave him a quick bath and it was back to bed. This morning I got him up and fed him first thing as I always do. Eight ounces of Similac's finest. My wife was a bit troubled by some green stuff on his pajamas, but I dismissed it as snot. Sounded like a good explanation as I was burping my now fully loaded four-month-old.
"Oh, good one!"
There's nothing like a warm shower of half-digested formula to wake you up in the morning. The poor kid lost his breakfast all over his dad and the couch we were seated on.
After a quick consult with the doctor we decided he should stay home. "If he gets diarrhea you'll want to make sure he stays hydrated," she warned. Check.
So I stayed home with the boy to help him ride this thing out. We proceeded with his next feeding as planned. I noticed as we sat there that Ethan was expelling some rather loose waste from his hind parts. I thought to myself, "We might have a problem on our hands." Four ounces later...
He did it again. With his back to my belly he threw up everything he just consumed. I promptly cleaned him up and turned him around to have a look at his face. And wouldn't you know it... all smiles. The kid was has happy as could be. Probably 'cause he knew he wouldn't be the one who had to change his diaper.
It's amazing how quickly you become comfortable dealing with bodily fluids when you're a dad. I haven't worn the hazmat suit in months.
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Someone Famous Once Said...
"If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated,
let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does
in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right."
-- Bill Cosby